What was appealing to build your finance career in Real Estate?
I first developed my interest in a career in real estate back when I was in year 10 at high school, after taking place in work experience for a local real estate office. I left school after completing the HSC and was lucky to be offered a job in real estate. I started as the office receptionist but that led to a position as Office Manager. I worked for this company for 20 years and enjoyed all aspects of the business, during this time at different stages of my employment I worked in Property Management, Sales and supporting roles. I was always drawn back to the administration and business management roles. I have always had a keen interest in accounting.
Why do you think Highland Property Agents is a good company to work for?
When I was lucky to be offered a job at Highland Property Agents I was very excited. I love working for Highland Property Agents on many levels. I love the culture, being part of a large team was daunting to me at first but it is always a lot of fun, we are a close team even though there are over 80 staff members working across the 2 offices. In terms of my career I love that Highland are the leading agency in The Shire and that in the 3 years that I have been employed by Highland they have expanded from one office to 2 offices plus we have introduced the Home Loan division, Marketing Division and Project Sales Division. I am always being challenged and I am always learning new skill sets.
Share an interesting fact about your job?
My job is quite varied, I am involved in many different areas of the company from Payroll, Super, Tax, Insurances, to Marketing, Trust Accounting, Home loans and helping in the Charity. No 2 days are ever the same.
If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be and why?
If I could meet anybody famous it would be Turia Pitt, I find her story very inspiring. I am currently reading her book Unmasked.
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