Nestled within the prestigious enclave of Mingara, this extraordinary estate spans 82 acres of untouched wilderness, offering a lifestyle where tranquillity meets adventure. Positioned at 13/905 Main Western Road, Tamborine Mountain, this private haven boasts five acres of manicured lawns, a par three golf hole, a helipad, a rally track, and more. The main residence, completed in December 2023, exudes understated elegance with warm stone and timber accents, a feature fireplace, and seamless transitions to an expansive deck. The master suite, with its private deck overlooking a lush rainforest and a personal spa, epitomizes luxury living. Beyond the home, explore a spring-fed dam, stainless steel rainwater tanks, and open spaces ideal for recreation. A self-contained granny flat adds versatility, perfect for guests or multigenerational living. Located just 30 minutes from the Gold Coast's iconic beaches, this estate offers a rare blend of seclusion and accessibility, making it a dream for families or professionals seeking a retreat.
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