
Lilli Pilli 4 Swan Street

bedrooms 3
bathrooms 1
parking 1


Water Views

Situated in one of the most sought after streets in Lilli Pilli, this charming timber clad cottage offers unlimited potential and lifestyle opportunity. Enjoy public access to the waterfront from this cul-de-sac location.

High Points

  • ‐ Rare offering on the Lilli Pilli peninsula
  • ‐ Stunning views of the Port Hacking River
  • ‐ Potential for new home build or renovation
  • ‐ Spacious with free flowing lounge/dining
  • ‐ Timber floors and deck promote easy living
  • ‐ Updated kitchen overlooking entertaining area
  • ‐ Garage has been converted to a rumpus room
  • ‐ Close to schools, transport and Lilli Pilli Baths

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Highland 170822 0002

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